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Robyn & Dave

I became an activist not that long ago. I started doing my own independent research on animal products and not long after started going to the Anonymous for the Voiceless Cube. This is where we share media taken from inside slaughterhouses on the streets to reveal the truth to the general public.


About a year after I went vegan I sat down with my dad and showed him Earthlings. He cried for the first time that I have ever seen and after this he became an even more active vegan that me!


"I come here to say sorry to the animals, for what I've done in my past life... The pain I feel here is nothing like the pain they're going through"

- Dave


I joined the Vegetarian and Vegan Society at Kent, but decided the group wasn't doing enough. I didn't want to only eat vegan meals, I wanted to give animals a voice. I've now started my own Animal Rights committee on campus which Emily, Amiee and Ceri, (who are also in the film) are part of.

Robyn & Dave: Intro
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